Sunday, July 18, 2010

Week 3: This I believe

Hi everyone, long time no see....
I'm coming back with my new homework : The Art of Being A Neighbor

Summary: Eve Birch is a woman who thinks and dreams about job, car, motigate, sucess, or credit like any American else.One year, she felf homeless when she just had 56$ with her truck to live in Virginia. Then , she move to another place. Her life was changed after she found a 50$ place with her gun and some simple thing to live with. She found something new for her life because of the neighbors' hepl. After four years she lived with her friendly neighboor, Eve changed her mind. She thought the American dream she believes now, is shared one. She said that it was not so much what about she could get for her self, it is about what we all can get by together." .

Resonse: I think I could listen well at that time. There was some new words I haven't known, but I could guess to know what Eve talked about. She was happy because she finally understood what the meaning that people live in the world, being together and know each other.

nonexitent:(adj): something that does not exit at all, or is not present in a particular place
possession:(n): having something

Have you found something that could change your mind for a moment?
After you found it, would you change your mind again to accept the new thing?

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